What if you could choose your own algorithm? Not just configure a single algorithm that governs a social media platform or website, but actually bring your own algorithm, or select an independent one, to sift through and organize the information available on a platform?
As an event professional I've always been frustrated with the orthodoxy that suggests events and meetings should be typical and boring. It is particularly frustrating and stupid when this logic is applied to online meetings. No surprise that after many months, zoom fatigue is widespr
CFU is another solid example of municipally own Internet infrastructure that is run by a municipal utility. Much like EPB in Tennessee, there seems to be a definite advantage for municipalities that have their own utility arms.
We tend to have a false collective assumption that health is binary. Either we’re healthy, or we’re sick. If we’re sick, we should be fixed, so we can be healthy again. Otherwise if we remain sick, we’re broken, and then tend to be marginalized by society and sometimes forgotten.