I was invited to participate in a panel of the digitization of farming and agriculture at the 2022 editions of Canada's Farm Show in Regina. The panel itself was far reaching and got into some advanced but relevant topics. If you'd like to learn more about the future of agriculture, give it
Yet over the last few years, the AI hype machine has started to falter, and the mystique surrounding AI has waned. That doesn’t mean the technology will go away, far from it. However our understanding of it, and more importantly our relationship with it, is starting to evolve substantially.
Yet what if our perception of predictions was itself biased in favour of the predictions? That we become so wedded to the prediction, that quite like target fixation, the act of prediction influences the outcome of the prediction.
The consequence of believing in the myth that data (or AI) is neutral, is that it discourages people from asking what agenda that data serves, or what biases it may have.