Future Fibre is a recurring series where we share some of the research, models, news, and ideas around community based connectivity. The Internet is too important to leave in the hands of big corporations.
In today’s issue of Future Fibre, let’s take a look at one of the most celebrated and successful stories, EPB, or the Electric Power Board of Chattanooga Tennessee, providers of what may be the world’s fastest residential Internet service, at a blazing 10 Gbit/s.
In the West Kootenay region of British Columbia, KiN, or the Kaslo infoNet Society, has been able to provide high speed broadband Internet to residents at reasonable prices.
In the West Kootenay region of British Columbia, KiN, or the Kaslo infoNet Society, has been able to provide high speed broadband Internet to residents at reasonable prices.
MuralNet is an Oakland California based non-profit, that helps indigenous communities in the United States build their own high speed Internet networks.